Sunday, March 30, 2008

Were you in the dark for Earth Hour?

We sat in the dark on our front deck looking down at the valley of lights that is Metropolitan Phoenix. Our home was completely dark as were our neighbors’ homes. Would the lights in Phoenix dim suddenly, dramatically? Phoenix was one of four U.S. cities chosen to participate in Earth Hour. Already, cities around the world, Sydney, Melbourne, Bangkok, Budapest, Athens, Dublin and London had dimmed their lights in support of caring for the Earth’s environment.
“What’s amazing is that it’s transcending political boundaries and happening in places like China, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea,” said Andy Ridley, executive director of Earth Hour. “It really seems to have resonated.”
But from our viewpoint, about twenty miles from downtown Phoenix, it was apparent that much of Phoenix did not turn off their lights. Only a five-block area of the central city was in near darkness, with many businesses and restaurants participating. It was a start, but for a city that prides itself on living the outdoor life, with beautiful weather and countless natural parks and mountain reserves…it should have been, lights out!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Watch for-"Caring for your Parents"

On April 2, a documentary that’s relevant to all of us will be on public television, Caring for Your Parents. Check local listings for this program on caring for loved ones as they age. There is also a book available.

Some Thoughts on...

Do you ever feel like simplifying your life means cutting back, denying every request and generally saying no to fun!
I did! My first attempts at simplifying my life, trying to be super-organized and cutting back on everything from food to activities made me feel grouchy and deprived. But then, as a little time passed, I noticed an easing of the pressures of work and family; less tension in my neck, even a few pounds gone. Simplifying your life means enriching your life, allowing you to focus on the quality, not the chaos, of each day. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Make a Difference - Participate in Earth Hour

Reduce your impact on climate change by participating in Earth Hour 2008. On March 29th 2008, turn off all the lights in your home or business for 1 hour, beginning at 8 PM.

This is a global movement that started last year in Sydney Australia, when 2.2 million people and over 2000 business turned off their lights for 1 hour. The result was a 10.2% reduction in energy consumption for that 1 hour, which is like taking 48,000 cars off the road for 1 year. This year the project is going global – let’s all participate and see what a difference we can make! Go to to get more information.