Monday, April 7, 2008

Lower your stress

Life would certainly be a lot easier if you could ease that burden of stress you're carrying. One step towards acheiving that goal is understanding what's really causing your stress. Many people are surprised to find it is not always the source they think it is. There is a new software tool that actually measures your stress level by analyzing your voice. The tool, called Stress Indicator, is available on and costs $30.
Simply by talking into your computer using a basic microphone, the system will measure your stress levels in five key categories of your life: home, work, love, friends and future plans. You can use the software over and over again.
So the next time you think work is driving you crazy, you might be surprised to discover that not connecting with friends is really the culprit. Knowing where your stress is hiding may be the first step in easing it.
To view a recent NBC television story on this product click here:

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